Trust by Domenico Starnone ePub Download

Download “Trust by Domenico Starnone” ePub eBook free. “Trust by Domenico Starnone” is a beautiful book that is now available for download in PDF and ePub format.

Trust by Domenico Starnone Summary

“Trust by Domenico Starnone” is a popular book that is now available for download in PDF and ePub format. “Domenico Starnone” is the author of this impressive book. Here is the summary of this book;

Pietro and Teresa’s love affair is tempestuous and passionate. After yet another terrible argument, she gets an idea: they should tell each other something they’ve never told another person, something they’re too ashamed to tell anyone. They will hear the other’s confessions without judgment and with love in their hearts. In this way, Teresa thinks, they will remain united forever, more intimately connected than ever.

A few days after sharing their shameful secrets, they break up. Not long after, Pietro meets Nadia, falls in love, and proposes. But the shadow of the secret he confessed to Teresa haunts him, and Teresa herself periodically reappears, standing at the crossroads, it seems, of every major moment in his life. Or is it he who seeks her out?

Starnone is a master storyteller and a novelist of the highest order. His gaze is trained unwaveringly on the fault lines in our public personas and the complexities of our private selves. Trust asks how much we are willing to bend to show the world our best side, knowing full well that when we are at our most vulnerable we are also at our most dangerous.

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Details About Trust 

  • Series Books Name: Trust
  • Authors:Domenico Starnone
  • Publish Date:November 9, 2021
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Psychological Fiction
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Pages:144
  • Price: Free

Trust by Domenico Starnone PDF Download

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