The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett PDF Download

Download The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett PDF free. “The Patron Saint of Liars” is a fascinating story of human personality and intimate relations.

Description of The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett PDF

“The Patron Saint of Liars” is a beautiful story about a woman with great characters. Ann Patchett is the author of this book. This is an incredible storyteller who develops wonderful characters. The story is about a young woman who felt trapped in her life. It is a much-enjoyed novel told from the point of view of three people Rose, Son and Cecilia. Rose is damaged from her mother’s divorce and finds her one love in life is to get in a car and drive. She marries Thomas and he teaches her to drive, even though he later regrets it. Eventually Rose just drives right out of his life and the life of the mother she adored. She is pregnant so she goes to a home for unwed mothers and finds a remarkable future-reading nun, sister Bernadette. She stays and brings up her daughter Cecilia there and also marries the handyman at the home. His nickname is Son, the perfect name for such a warm, loving, and kind person who’s EQ is bulging at the top. Son raises Cecilia as his own daughter.

The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett

All is happy until Rose receives a letter. Bel Canto and the State of Wonder take place in South America, the former in a Vice President’s house in the capital city and the latter in the deepest, darkest, Amazon jungle. Patron Saint of Liars takes place in ordinary neighbourhoods in the USA, one that you or I could have come from and yet Ann Patchett spins a fascinating and original story. Sister Bernadette, the nun who could predict the sex of a child or foresee the future is an endearing character just as Mother Corinne is strict and unloving. Blind Sister Evangeline who worked in the kitchen where Rose finds calmness and a love of cooking – is actually a lousy cook but a wonderful friend. Ann Patchett has certainly rubbed shoulders with nuns and one writes what one knows. It’s easy to lose sympathy for Rose but actually, she is a sad case. She runs from her unhappiness and can’t find a way to deal with it. In doing so she makes others very unhappy.  Of course, this is all wrapped in a very poignant story about unwed mothers decades again and the shame and sadness they faced and the very limited choices.

Detail About The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett PDF

  • Name: The Patron Saint of Liars
  • Author: Ann Patchett
  • ISBN: 0547520204
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Love, Music, Drama
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Pages: 400
  • Price: Free

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Click on the button given below to download The Patron Saint of Liars PDF free. You can also Download Bel Canto by Ann Patchett PDF.
