Switching to Angular 2 by Minko Gechev PDF Download

Download Switching to Angular 2 by Minko Gechev PDF eBook free. The “Switching to Angular 2” is all about AngularJS, a JavaScript framework that makes building web applications easier.

Description of Switching to Angular 2 by Minko Gechev PDF

“Switching to Angular 2” is a great learning resource for anyone who wants to become master of AngularJS. Minko Gechev is author of this book. Minko is a software engineer who strongly believes in open source software. He has developed numerous such projects, including AngularJS 1.x and Angular 2 style guides, and angular2-seed. In this book, he helps developers to understand the changes made from Angular 1.x with side-by-side code samples. His book enables the developers to start working with Angular 2’s new method of implementing directives and use TypeScript to write modern, powerful Angular 2 applications.

Switching to Angular 2 by Minko Gechev

This book is not for learning Angular, it is for people who already have a pretty good understanding of Angular 1 and Angular 2. If you are a beginner, get an Angular2 book. With that said, this book is Great for finding out the “why” and “how” to switch from Angular 1 to Angular 2. It does have a few code errors, but if you already know Angular, you will see the error, ignore it and keep moving.

Detail about Switching to Angular 2 by Minko Gechev PDF

  • Name: Switching to Angular 2
  • Author: Minko Gechev
  • ISBN: 1785886207
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Web Development, Programming
  • Format: PDF/ePub
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Page: 254
  • Price: Free

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Click on the button given below to download Switching to Angular 2 PDF. You can also Download Modern Python Cookbook by Lott Steven PDF.
