Cisco by LJ Vickery ePub Download

Download “Cisco by LJ Vickery” ePub eBook free. “Cisco by LJ Vickery” is a beautiful book that is now available for download in PDF and ePub format. 

Cisco by LJ VickerySummary

“Cisco by LJ Vickery” is a popular book that is now available for download in PDF and ePub format. “Cisco by LJ Vickery” is the author of this impressive book. Here is the summary of this book;

Cisco Andera has watched all his close buddies find true love, and rather than scoff at their loss of freedom, it makes him reevaluate his own life. At thirty-three years old, he’s tired of playing the bar scene, and wants some permanency of his own. But is he a good bet? He has a few awkward secrets, along with some fairly annoying habits that aren’t exactly mainstream. Will the woman he’s set his sights on—who’s constantly giving him very confusing and mixed signals—agree to be saddled with Cisco’s baggage for the long term?

Hilly Duncan, owner and operator of Camp Venture, has worked long and hard to build her self-esteem after a childhood full of bullying and mocking. She’s been determined that nothing will derail her newfound confidence, but…how cruel is fate? After all this time shoring up her inner strength, her sad little middle-school crush has come back to haunt her in the form of one hot-bodied motorcycle cop. She might have been able to ignore his reappearance in her life, if he wasn’t going to be teaching self-defense courses to her campers twice a week.

Maybe it’s a good thing Cisco hasn’t recognized the pathetic Hilly of the past.

Details About Cisco 

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